Class representing a document loader for scraping web pages using Playwright. Extends the BaseDocumentLoader class and implements the DocumentLoader interface.

Hierarchy (view full)







options: undefined | PlaywrightWebBaseLoaderOptions
webPath: string


  • Method that calls the scrape method and returns the scraped HTML content as a Document object. Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of Document objects.

    Returns Promise<Document[]>

    Promise that resolves to an array of Document objects.

  • Method that calls the _scrape method to perform the scraping of the web page specified by the webPath property. Returns a Promise that resolves to the scraped HTML content of the web page.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise that resolves to the scraped HTML content of the web page.

  • Static method that imports the necessary Playwright modules. Returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing the imported modules.

    Returns Promise<{
        chromium: BrowserType<{}>;

    Promise that resolves to an object containing the imported modules.
